Join us for a full-day Breast Cancer Symposium featuring a blend of case discussions, lectures, and seminars led by experts in breast pathology from the BSP and EWGBSP communities.
Event Highlights:
- Case Discussions: BSP-affiliated pathologists will present cases, honoring the careers of esteemed national senior breast pathologists,
- Special Topic Lectures: lectures on specific topics by EWGBSP members, with 30-minutes talks and QA per lecture.
- Slide Seminar: Engage in an in-depth slide seminar, presented by EWGBSP members.
- Topics: epithelial-myoepithelial tumors of the breast, invasive lobular carcinoma, vascular lesions of the breast, papillary tumors of the breast, fibro-epithelial lesions of the breast, low-grade triple-negative breast cancers, B3 lesions etc.
Preliminary program
8:30 | Welcome and registration
9:00 | Session 1
- B3 lesions: Challenges in diagnosis and management
Zsuzsanna Varga, US Zurich - Digital Slide/ Cases discussions
10:30 | Break
11:00 | Session 2
- Digital pathology in breast pathology
Paul van Diest, UMC Utrecht - Digital Slide/ Cases discussions
12:30 | Lunch
13:30 | Session 3
- 20 years experience as auditor for the certification of European Breast clinics.
Daniel Faverly - Digital Slide/ Cases discussions
14:45 | Break
15:00 | Session 4
- Classification of epithelial-myoepithelial lesions of the breast
Cecily Quinn, SVUH, Dublin - Digital Slide/ Cases discussions
16:00 | Conclusions
29 November 2025
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Leuven - Irish college
Janseniusstraat 1
3000 Leuven
3000 Leuven
Practical information
Registration mandatory: via this llink
deadline: 24 November
Admission fee:
- BSP member: Pathologist - Physicians: 100 €
- BSP member: Fellow in Pathology: 25 €
- Pathologist - Physicians: 150 €
- Fellow in Pathology: 50 €